No Need To PANIC
There is a need within the NMR community to progress forward in exploring new facets in which we can use analytical techniques to advance our understanding of various systems. One aspect the NMR community hasn’t fully encompassed is the validation process, which also involves setting reference standards, establishing a common language that directly relates to NMR, communication relating to validation, and much more.
Thanks to the Practical Applications of NMR in Industry Conference (PANIC), we are able to make this project come alive! The continuing goal is to push forward in educating and informing the scientific community about the need to validate NMR methods, and how we can use this tool to better the world of regulation.
New Opportunities
There is a need within the NMR community to seize new opportunities to advance our understanding of various systems.
Validation Process
The validation process involves setting reference standards, establishing a common language that directly relates to NMR, communication relating to validation, and much more.
无限反转之《兵不厌诈》:老王?他喜欢男人啊!-搞笑-完整版 ...:2021-5-31 · 无限反转之《兵不厌诈》:老王?他喜欢男人啊!是搞笑类高清视频,于2021-04-30上映,视频画面清晰,播放流畅,内容质量高。视频主要内容:全网最硬核沙雕原创动画,尼老头、大壮、老王搏 …
The continuing goal is to push forward in educating and informing the scientific community of approaches of validating NMR methods, and how we can use this tool to better the world of regulation.
News, Information and Exchange

PANIC conference and ValidNMR workshop will take place on October 22 in a new hybrid format.

As Coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to spread globally, the PANIC committee decided to postpone the ValidNMR workshop…

隔壁老王影视在线播放最新网址 - Sogou:2021-6-15 · 隔壁老王影视在线播放高清在线播放资源,今日更新331部,伦理自拍在线观看,警告:本站提供全网影视资源,来自网络不对内容版权负责,如发现侵权内容请联系删除。

The ValidNMR comunity has interviewed balance experts from Mettler Toledo about the topic of the good weighing practice. Are you interested in their answers?…

Steelyard Analytics, Gaithersburg, MD October 4th, 2024 Written by M Bernstein (Mestrelab Research) The meeting was well attended by an international group representing regulatory bodies, academia, contract analytical laboratories, NMR instrumentation and software...

Presentations from the ValidNMR workshop (07 March 2024) are being uploaded in the ValidNMR Member’s area. Feel free to login and download them…
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After years of watching validation efforts be only directed towards chromatography, a select few within the NMR community joined forces and began to contemplate the idea of NMR Validation.
Listed below are the contributors who are currently putting efforts towards the construction of this website and the NMR Validation Workshop hosted by PANIC.

Klas Meyer

John C. Edwards
Process NMR Associates, LLC

Torsten Schönberger

Dan Sorensen
Health Canada I Santé Canada

Kristie M. Adams
Steelyard Analytics Inc
IT Manager

Michael Maiwald
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Measurement Uncertainty Specialist

Christoph Freudenberger
Bruker BioSpin
NMR Hardware Specialist


Amber Analytical Services
NMR Software Specialist

Elina Hafer
Spectral Service AG & University Würzburg